Monday, February 25, 2008

Look at Me!

My good friend Becky gave Trey his crib mirror - he loves to look at himself in it. I'm pretty sure he has no idea that he is looking at himself. He smiles and talks to himself. Pretty cute. Great gift, Becky!

Saturday, February 16, 2008

February 2008

I wanted to do something special for David for Valentine's Day by getting a picture of Trey and me for him - I should have scheduled our time in the morning when Trey is at his best. But instead we had a 5:30pm appointment when Trey was both tired and hungry. He did great - the guy took 133 pictures and this is the one I chose. I was hoping for one with me kissing Trey - he took some but Trey's expression was not what I was hoping for. So we will try that another time.

Trey and Dr. O'Kelley

I took a picture of Trey and Dr. O'Kelley the other day when I went for a check-up. Dr. O'Kelley is who delivered Trey - I am very thankful he was there the night our little man was born.

Friday, February 15, 2008

I love spontaneity

Trey looks a little scared in this picture but he was having a fun time despite what his expression might show in this picture

David had the flu all last week - it was not a fun week for us. I tried to keep him hydrated and taken care of while trying to keep Trey and myself as FAR away from him as we could possibly get in our little apartment. David was actually sick and in bed for 4 days - high fever, headache, body aches. I started to get the same symptoms in Sunday but they were gone by Monday - I am so thankful to God for my quick recovery because I couldn't have been sick and in bed for that long. I still have to take care of and nurse Trey, so I am glad I am better. Last Saturday (when David was feeling better and before I was feeling bad), we decided to take a spontaneous trip to see David's brother Matt and his wife Renee. We spent the night and went to church the next day with them. We had so much fun just being with them. Their apartment is even smaller than ours but I think we did pretty good with the 5 of us. Renee was so great with Trey and even came in early on Sunday morning to take him for me so I could sleep a little longer. Thanks again, Matt and Renee, for a fun time - we will definitely do it again soon!

Trey snuggling with Renee before his nap

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Superbowl Party Animal

This is the exact way I sleep - David always laughs when he sees Trey sleeping like this

We went to our friend's the Linds for the Superbowl - we had a lot of fun (not that I understand football but it was good to be with friends). Trey crashed during the beginning but woke up for the great win at the end by the Giants!