Wednesday, April 30, 2008

6 months celebration with the police

On top of Lookout Mountain in Chattanooga, TN

We don't have a high chair for Trey - he sits really well in his booster seat

Trey is 6 months old and he is growing more and more every day. We have had a fun month as he has learned to sit up (although he still topples over) and he is eating more foods.

Still balanced...

Not so balanced...going...


what just happened???

He just cut through his bottom 2 teeth. He didn't seem to do too bad with teething except he did wake up in the middle of the night a couple nights (especially for David when I was at work). Something interesting happened just this morning while I was finishing up working night shift. David had someone come knock on the door at about 6:30 am - it was the Knoxville police - 2 officers in fact. They said they had received a call that there was a domestic disturbance at our apartment. Yep, Trey had woken up crying from teething. David said he cried for about 15 minutes. But by the time the police arrived (thanks to our neighbor who called), Trey was in his crib laughing and smiling. The officers had to follow protocol and make sure no one was hurt (especially Trey). They came and left quickly. This was a first for us - I think we are a relatively quiet family but obviously Trey got someone's attention in the early morning hours.

We went to visit Matt and Renee for a night in Chattanooga which is always fun for us. We love spending time with them, and we really enjoy worshiping at their church. We went to the park where Trey had his first carousel ride. He was pretty confused and/or clueless and David got nauseous from the spinning - so much for fun memories.

Trey's first carousel ride....and maybe David's last... Then David, Trey, and I took a drive up to Lookout Mountain where you can see 7 states - we still aren't sure what the 7 states are but it was a beautiful drive. We hiked down a trail to get a better glimpse which was an incredible view.

The trail to Sunset Point on Lookout Mountain

Sunday, April 27, 2008

New Adventures

David outside the plane he flew

David flying - he did so great

Our new adventure is that David started taking flight lessons. This is something he has always wanted to do - he is actually considering a career in aviation. I went up with him and his instructor Don for his first flight. He was so proud, and it made me so happy to see him so happy. I didn't really want to go on the flight, but our friend Jenn was visiting and offered to watch Trey for us. And it was really important to David that I go. His instructor Don is a Christian and has really been an encouragement to David. David actually flew for part of the flight - I was a little nervous when Don gave him the controls. But he did such a great job, and I was so proud of him. He is also taking ground school on Saturday mornings and really enjoying learning - ground school is the theory part of flight school. My brother Phil is also a pilot and David has been talking with him about aviation. He has also received great encouragement from some close friends to pursue this if this is where God is directing. We really believe God is opening doors for us as we continue to seek His plan for us.

My flying hero

Please continue to pray for us for the next step in our adventure. David has been taking some general education classes this semester that he can put towards a degree in the future. He has done really well and it has helped him gain some confidence. He has never felt like he could succeed in this area, so this has been a great experience for him. We are seeking direction in the near future as to where God wants us. Our lease is up at the end of July, and we are making plans to relocate to an area where David can go to school full time and I can work full time nights while he is in school. We are looking at several different places at this point. I would love to be closer to my family but that may not happen until David is done with school. I've had some interviews and even a couple job offers, so we are thankful for the way God is providing for us in this way. Thank you for praying!

Friday, April 18, 2008

Good little eater

Trey started some rice cereal last week. He did as well as could be expected for a first time. Since then, I have given him cereal every couple of days. He has tried some applesauce, peaches, pears, sweet potatoes, and sweet peas and likes everything so far. He gets excited when the spoon is coming near his mouth and kicks his legs fast. He's still nursing for the majority of the time, and he seems to be satisfied with that too.

I have made some baby food - I plan on doing that for most of his food to save money but to also give him fresher and better tasting food than what comes in jars. As he gets a little bigger, I'm going to just give him what we are eating - only pureed. I want to introduce him to a variety of foods. Last week we did this. We were out for dinner and he ate about 1/8 of my sweet potato and LOVED it. I think we have a good eater on our hands.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Eating Mommy, swing, and fingers

Trey will get whatever in his mouth that he can. I read that this is his new way of discovering about his world.

He loves to lean forward in his swing and eat the toys that are attached

Trying to latch onto my cheek

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

5 months

The shirt says it all :-)

Our little man is already 5 months old and we still continue to thoroughly enjoy him being a part of our family. I have been working about 20 hours a week - usually one day and one night. I have been able to work on David's day off, so that works out great. David is such a loving Daddy, and Trey breaks out into big smiles when he comes home from work.

Here are some of the highlights of this past month:
1) Trey was able to meet his Uncle Stephen and Aunt Catherine (David's brother) for the first time - they came from Columbia, SC the week before Easter. He also got to see his Uncle Matt and Aunt Renee again.
Trey with Stephen and Catherine
2) We went to my brother Mark's house for Easter - we had such a fun weekend visiting with them. We were also able to celebrate Trey's cousin Victoria's first birthday while we were there.
Easter Sunday

3) Trey continues to sleep through the night (about 11 hours) and nap well during the day
4) He loves his Baby Einstein stationary entertainer - he is finally able to touch the bottom with his feet and he can spin himself around and play with the attached toys. He still loves his swing but most of all enjoys taking walks in the stroller.
5) Trey goes grocery shopping with me in the Baby Bjorn (front pack carrier) - he looks around while we shop
6) He started sucking his index and middle fingers on either hand when he gets sleepy
7) We read to him daily and he sits so still and looks at the pictures. He also enjoys music - he seems to really settle especially when we play worship music at home
8) He had his first giggle - so so cute to hear him laugh
9) Trey loves to watch people (like his Grandpa Perry) - he especially loves to watch kids play
10) Everthing goes in his mouth - his new way of discovering about things these days

This video is Trey in action