Friday, June 6, 2008

7 months (and a few days)

Grabbing his feet

Trey is now rolling over (and over and over) to get to where wants to be. He has actually rolled off our bed 2 times, so we are being much more careful with where he is. I felt really bad that he fell, but the girls at work assured me that every child rolls off the bed at least once so it just makes me normal.
Trey feeding himself Veggie Puffs

He continues to eat well. I only feed him cereal with fruit and a vegetable once a day because he is gaining weight well with nursing and still seems satisfied with it. He loves Cheerios and Gerber Graduates Veggie Puffs. We have started him on a medication for reflux. He has never really spit up much until the last month or so. Dr. Herron put him on Prevacid once a day - it's a tablet that we dissolve in water to help with his spitting up so much. Hopefully he should only have to be on it for a month.
Trey rolling

He loves us to read to him. He also loves music - whenever we are in the car and he gets fussy, we just start singing to him and he usually calms right down.

I have been taking him to the YMCA to swim, and he loves loves loves the water (even when it's cold). He was in the pool for over an hour the other day, and he was so happy. Then he fell asleep on his towel on the pool deck and took his nap. It is fun to take him because some of my girlfriends from church go to the Y with their kids too. David and I went swimming with him last night here at our apartment.

Trey doing his superman pose

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Renee's birthday and Jen's visit

Trey with his Daddy and Uncle Matt

He loves Renee - she totally captivated his attention

My brother in law Matt had a surprise birthday party for Renee last week. We were able to go down for a little bit. Matt grilled out and did a great job of letting everyone know how much he loved his wife. David and Matt grew up kind of sharing birthdays - their birthdays are 3 days apart and they usually fall somewhere close to Father's Day so it's one big celebration for all 3. I grew up (and so did Renee which is why Matt doing this for her meant so much) having my birthday as my special day - my family always made a big deal out of it - not necessarily with presents but with a homemade meal of my choice, a cake and special family time. This was something David and I didn't realize was different about our upbringing until the time came around to celebrating our first birthdays together. When his birthday came (his is first June 15 then mine follows in July), I had a special time all planned. We went to Six Flags and spent the day - then I had my friend Jenn make him a cake (we weren't at home). It was so fun. When my birthday came, I naturally expected him to make a big deal of it, but he didn't. He didn't know it was that important to me, and it was a good (but hard) learning time for both of us. I remember feeling so hurt that he didn't seem to care, but it wasn't at all - it was just that he didn't know any different. We had a great time celebrating Renee's birthday with her.

David loves his pipe that was his grandfather's - he brings it out every now and then

my friend Jen

What was also fun was my friend Jen came from Ohio to spend a few days with us. I haven't seen her since our wedding, but we talk and email regularly. We went down to Atlanta after Renee's party and spent some time with college friends. Trey and I stayed with the Riese's (of course).
Trey and Jen
Trey and Parker getting ready for their bath - I love this picture!

We were invited Sunday night to Steve and Jill Temple's house. Conner Temple is just 1 week older than Trey - we met in church one Sunday when Jill and I noticed each other's pregnant bumps. Jill has been a good friend, and she was the one who coordinated all our meals after Trey was born (which was amazing because Conner was still so little and then she has 2 year old Christopher as well). We had a fun time getting to know them better.

Trey and Conner playing

We were eating dinner and Trey fell asleep on the lawn

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Learning to let go

I love this song. It has reminded me of the gift that Trey is to us and the time with him is so very short. He is growing more every day and our job is to help him grow to love Jesus and be a responsible, loving person who has his own independence. Each day is a step in learning to let go. That is so hard because I so much want to cling to him and keep him small as he is today. It is a bittersweet task, but I am so grateful for the time we have with him each day. I hope you will enjoy this video.