Friday, October 30, 2009

Happy 2nd Birthday, Trey

We had a fun family day together on Trey's 2nd birthday. We sang to him several times throughout the day which he seemed to love. David took him on 3 tractor rides (his all time favorite thing to do), and we played with bubbles (his 2nd favorite thing to do). We were able to talk with his Gigi and Papa, Grandma and Grandpa (skyping him from Africa), and most of his aunts and uncles. We are so grateful that Trey is loved by so many people.

We were going to take him to a bounce house, but when we went there, it wasn't open. We then opted to go to a park to play but as we were driving to the park, we drove by a Chuck E Cheese. David thought that would be fun for him. We went in, bought a pizza and some tokens, and played for a couple hours. It was really fun, but Chuck E Cheese is probably too much for him at this age. There is so much to do and be distracted by that he didn't know what to do or to focus on. Trey is easily entertained (which I am thankful for) - when we left, we thought we would have had just as much fun at the park. But we are still glad we did it.

I made vegetable soup for dinner, and then made him a chocolate cake. Once again this year, he was mesmerized by the candle on his cupcake. It was almost like he was in a trance, and he couldn't take his eyes off it nor would he smile. He did the same thing last year. He had some cards with gift cards from Grandpa and Grandma Perry, Great Gramma Estes and Parker Riese. Gigi and Papa sent him a fun train set that he loves! Aunt Faith and Uncle Tom sent him a fun pretend camera that says "Ready? Smile" and "Cheese" - he wanted to sleep with it, and I still randomly in the night or early morning hear the voice on the camera talking from his crib. Pretty funny. Uncle Phil and Aunt Brenda sent him a dump truck and a book of nursery rhymes that he insists on reading before bed. And we gave him bubbles and a potty chair - not something David was thrilled with getting him at first, but Trey loves his potty chair! We are in no way thinking he is ready for using the potty, but we wanted to get him used to the idea. He loves to sit on it. Sometimes he carries it around the house (not sure if that is such a good idea). Trey had such a fun day, and we loved being together.

This is part of what I wrote to Trey in his birthday letter that I write every year:
Trey, we love you so much. You have brought so much love and joy into our lives - you have helped us to grow closer as a family, and you have helped us to know and understand better the love that God has for us as His children. Somedays are more challenging than others, but everyday with you is a blessing. You are going to be such a good big brother to your new brother. You love to point at mama's belly and say "baby" - sometimes you point at Daddy's belly and say "baby" too - that always makes us laugh. You love to read and color. You have so much fun playing outside especially when Daddy takes you on a tractor ride or plays with you in the orchard. You are a good eater, and you love to crunch on ice like mama. You love all sorts of vegetables and fruit. You light up a room wherever we go, and I hope you will always be the happy, loving boy that you are today. I love seeing you talk on Skype to our faraway family - it makes them so happy when you blow kisses or try to talk with them. You are loved by so many people - your family, people here at UIM, friends at church. We pray for you every day that you will grow to be the kind of man that loves God and loves people. We are so thankful that God gave (lent) you to us for this time.

Playing at Chuck E Cheese
Looking for the balls to come out

Playing with the train from Gigi and Papa - it makes such fun noises
Opening the present from Uncle Phil and Aunt BrendaWe hold hands when we pray before dinner - this is one of those moments I treasure in my heart - many times we will sing our prayer

Playing in the bounce house at the church fall festival

Some updates on Trey :
He is 33 3/4 inches tall (33%) , and he weighs 26.4 pounds (30%)

He is not saying a lot of words that we can understand, but his vocabulary is increasing every day. He says please, thank you, Dada, Mama, baby, dog, cheese, shoe, Gigi, Papa, ice, brother, book, door, uh oh - he jabbers nonstop but we just don't always know what he is saying. We are working on that with him - the pediatrician sees nothing wrong with his vocabulary either.

He attends the toddler class at church on Sundays and seems to enjoy that. He comes home with a craft every week. He and I attend MOPS every other week, and he has fun there.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Inviting the Glorious into the Mundane

My friend Tiffany who is a mom to 2 precious children shared this with me last week - I was really encouraged by it so I wanted to share it with you. I so much want to be the wife and mama that God wants me to be, yet I find I am always feeling like I am falling short of my own expectations. I am challenged and encouraged to make my days about seeing His great purpose - not to get discouraged my the monotony of my life but to realize that God has a plan and a purpose even in the mundane things. I want His plans to be my plans - I want to see each day through God's eyes. I hope you will be encouraged by these 2 videos.

Being A Mom {Part 1} from christy nockels on Vimeo.

Being A Mom {Part 2} from christy nockels on Vimeo.