Thursday, July 28, 2011

Cloth Diaper Giveaway

My close friend Jenn is hosting a cloth diaper giveaway at her blog The Riese's Pieces.  As many of you know, we chose to cloth diaper when we were pregnant with Jonathan, and we have loved it!   Not only has it been a huge cost savings for us, it has also been really convenient because we never have to run to the store because we are low on diapers. 

I was afraid to cloth diaper at first.  I had visions of bad smells, diaper pins, and rubber pants.  I didn't get a lot of support for cloth diapering either - I think a lot of people thought we were a little crazy.  "Why give up the convenience of disposable diapers?" was something we heard a lot.  Disposable diapers can only be used one time, but cloth diapers can be used from child to child so the only investment is up front.  But not only are disposable diapers expensive, they are also environmentally unfriendly.  The thing that really bothered me is how long Trey could be in a diaper and not ever feel wet when he had a disposable diaper on.  What were the chemicals that were right up against his skin that he was exposed to for hours on end?   And I think that cloth feels so much better than paper, so it has to be more comfortable for Jonathan.   We will still use disposables occasionally when we are on a long trip, but I am so thankful that we made this choice.
A friend at work was cloth diapering her 4th baby, and when she had outgrown some of her diapers, she gave me a stash of about 20 newborn size diapers.  So I gave it a try without really having to invest in anything.  And once we started, we were hooked. I would love to someday be able to help another new mom get started with cloth diapering the way my friend helped me. 

But for now, I am hoping to win this giveaway so I can add one more diaper to our supply.  I love, love, love the cute designs.  And I love how cute Jonathan looks in his little cloth diapers.  I need to stop looking at the pictures of him as a newborn because it's giving me major baby fever - yikes!

Friday, January 21, 2011

Happy 1st Birthday, Jonathan {only 1 1/2 months late}

Dear sweet Jonathan-boy,
I can't believe how much my heart expanded with love for you the moment I saw you on ultrasound.  I had heard people say that would happen when another child came into our family, but it was hard to understand.  Before you, I loved your big brother with every ounce of my being.  And when you arrived, I found I had the same love for you.  From the moment I knew about you, there was nothing I wouldn't do to protect you or give even my very life for you.  Your name means "Gift from God" - you are truly a gift to our family.

You are a happy baby, but no one can make you belly laugh (or cry) like your big brother Trey.  You like to chase him around the house by crawling after him.  He likes to be a little too rough with you sometimes, and often you end up crying when you play together.  But overall, you are the best of buddies.  I promise Daddy and I do our best to protect you from Trey, but I don't think we'll have to do that much longer.  You are getting bigger and stronger, and Trey is learning to be more gentle.

I call you my "Chill Baby" because you love to calmly observe the world around you in this quiet, sweet manner.  You are a snuggler and everything you've done has been a little bit later than your big brother (which is totally fine with me!).  You didn't get your first tooth until you were 8 months old - this is also the month you sat up alone.  You started crawling until 10 months and pulled yourself up at 12 months.  You have been content to be held or quietly playing on the floor - you do have a bit of a temper when you want to particularly while getting dressed after your bath at night.  You slept through the night at 2 months old - that was a gift to Daddy because he was with you all night while I went back to work night shift at the hospital.   I feel very blessed to have had 2 very good babies. 
The moment I delivered you, I couldn't imagine my life without you.  Daddy and I pray for you every day that you will grow to love Jesus - that He will one day become LORD of your life.  We try to model what this looks like but we make a lot of mistakes on a daily basis.  Our family wouldn't be the same without you.  I love hearing your pitter patter as you crawl after me to find me in the house.  I love when you scrunch up your nose and clamp your mouth shut when you don't want to eat any more food at mealtime.  I love hearing your jabber in the car, and seeing you interact with your big brother.   I know God has amazing plans for your life, and I am excited to see you continue to learn and grow.

I love you, Daddy loves you, and Jesus loves you most,

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