Thursday, February 19, 2009

Help Me Remember

I don't ever want to forget nights like tonight when I went to lay Trey down in his crib, and he reached his arms up to me to have me hold him a little longer. I am so thankful for the extra snuggle time with him - it is so rare that he will lay still for 10 minutes while awake. We rocked for a little while, and I smiled at him and he smiled at me. It was a sweet few moments with my baby boy.

God, help me to not be so preoccupied with other things that I have to do that I want to rush moments like these. Thank you for the gift of these extra few minutes tonight - I didn't even know I needed that time. Help me to cherish these times from You.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

15 months old

I'm growing big and strong every day!!!

Playtime with Daddy before bed

Trey loves the Piggy Bank that Aunt Faith gave him

He can put the coins in and take them back out - sometimes he will do this for 20 minutes - then he will hand a coin to us and guide our hand to put it in the slot - see the concentration and his tongue sticking out

  • Our little man is 15 months old, and learning and discovering new things about his world every day. He currently weighs 20 lb 13 oz, so he is now big enough to face forward in the car. I'm excited for him to finally be able to face forward on car rides. He still fits comfortably in his infant seat, but we've been shopping for the right car seat for him to move up into. He is 30 inches tall, and he still easily fits in many 12 month clothes and some 18 months clothes.

  • He's taking 1-2 steps at a time, but still doesn't seem to have much interest and/or confidence in walking. He stands and lowers himself to the ground and climbs on anything he can climb on. He's super fast at crawling, and Dr. Kennedy, his pediatrician, says he will walk when he gets up the courage. We went to a playground the other day, and he had fun climbing up the stairs toward the slide.

  • He loves to play for periods of time alone in his room, but he mostly likes to be with people. He is good at playing if we leave the baby gate up at the door to his room, and we are doing cleaning or working on a project. He enjoys the church nursery and playing with other babies.

  • Trey can point to his nose when he is asked where his nose is - he is learning his body parts as we change his diaper or get him dressed. He doesn't really say any words except Mama and Dada. I think that he says his name at times but it comes out like "Tay". He babbles a lot, but we aren't really sure what he is saying. I know that he understands more than he can say because the other day I asked him to bring me his cup, and he crawled across the room to where his cup was and brought it back to me.

  • He will clap when we tell him that he is a good boy - it is so cute. Like when he brought me his cup the other day when I asked him to, he was so proud cause I was so excited that he did as I asked and he started clapping.

  • He eats most anything we give him. He likes most veggies and fruits, yogurt, cheese, cottage cheese, chicken, and banana chips. He is a huge fan of blueberries and blackberries - they are in season right now, so we have them a lot at home. He loves to drink milk, juice, or water. I am thankful he is a good eater. We will usually grind up for him whatever we are eating at dinner.

  • He makes cute noises - his likes to walk around the house saying "Hmmm???" like he is asking a question - he'll repeat that over and over again.

Trey with Tom (Papa) and Barbara (Gigi)

We were excited to have David's parents (Tom and Barbara) here for a week. Barbara had a business conference in Phoenix to attend, so they decided to extend their trip and stay with us after the conference was over. We had David's dad here the entire time and his mom just a few days. It was fun to be with them, and to see them with Trey. It was sad because Tom had just gotten out of the hospital before they came, so he couldn't pick Trey up or even hold him, but Trey sure had fun with him anyway. We went to a German restaurant for lunch one day, and rode the Phoenix LightRail down into Tempe to do some walking and shopping one afternoon. What Trey will call them was recently changed to Gigi and Papa - Barbara wasn't sure what she wanted to be called - it will be interesting to see if that is what he eventually calls them when he learns to talk. I never knew until I moved to Tennessee that grandparents were called anything other than Grandma and Grandpa, but it's been funny to see the dilemma over the "perfect grandparent name". No matter what he calls David's parents or my parents, Trey is blessed to have wonderful, Godly grandparents on both sides who love him and care for him so much.

David and Trey ready to board the LightRail