Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Family bits and pieces

Trey is learning how to play more gently near Jonathan. Jonathan takes things pretty well - we think he's going to grow up to be a tough little boy. The other night in the middle of the night, Jonathan woke up and I went in to see what he needed. There was Trey in the dark standing at Jonathan's crib trying to console him saying "oh baby". Trey shouldn't have been out of bed, but it was really sweet to see him caring about his brother. I put Trey back in bed, gave Jonathan his pacifier, and then we all went back to sleep.

Jonathan likes to share with Trey ... or so Trey thinks. Trey will sometimes randomly take Jonathan's pacifier and start sucking on it.

At almost 2 1/2 months, Jonathan is holding his head up really well - he has excellent neck and upper body control. This is him after his bath tonight. I think he looks like he is ready to take off.
I was trying to get a picture of his funny hair in the back - it lays horribly and he has a thick dark patch at the bottom that he has had since he was born.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Trey's Big Boy Bed

We have been sleeping Jonathan in the pack and play in our room since he was born. Trey has never climbed out of his crib, so my mom suggested that we keep him in his crib until after Jonathan was born and we were more settled. I am really glad we did that. It gave me peace of mind to know that Trey loved his crib, and he was safe in there. David and I had been talking about whether to get him a toddler bed or a twin bed. We ultimately want to have bunk beds, but we didn't want to spend the money of those right now when we don't need them.

I've been looking around on craigslist for beds, and I found this Pottery Barn Kids bed for about 1/4 of what they sell for. The seller even gave us 2 sets of Pottery Barn Kids sheets and a PBK quilt and pillow plus the mattress and box spring. The quilt is a sports theme - not my first choice - if I had bought something, it would have been with trucks or trains on it because that's what Trey loves, but it's really cute. Plus it was included, so we saved a lot of money. This bed is from the Thomas collection at PBK - they still make it and we can eventually buy another twin bed to make bunk beds.

Trey was pretty sad to see his crib be taken apart and put in another room for Jonathan. He cried quite a bit, but we told him how exciting it was that he was getting to sleep in a big boy bed. We showed him Jonathan in the crib, and Trey seemed genuinely excited to see his "baby" sleeping in there.

This is Trey sleeping during his nap the first day having his new bed. It was a pretty smooth transition. He does try to climb out of bed, and he knows that he is not supposed to do that. We have been very consistent about making sure he stays in his bed - he gets disciplined when he gets out of bed after we have tucked him in bed. But each naptime or bedtime is getting easier. He really likes his bed.

Trey still loves to sleep with his bottom in the air...

... just like when he was 6 months old (May 2008)
Trey - 6 months old

Friday, February 12, 2010

2 months with Jonathan

We have really enjoyed having Jonathan in our family. We are all adjusting really well. Some days I still feel a little frazzled when I have to go out with both of them, but each time we go out, I get a little more confident. I have been taking both of them to Tot Town (a big open gym play time for Trey) on Mondays and to Bible study every Wednesday and then out to lunch with our friends. I still don't feel very organized. I had some people warn me before Jonathan was born that we shouldn't expect him to be a good baby because Trey was such a good baby (why do people say crazy things like that to pregnant moms? ) But he is a good baby - he does like to be held a little more than Trey did. But then again, we probably held Trey just as much - we just didn't have a toddler that needed out attention as well.

Jonathan had a great 2 month well baby check up with Dr. Kennedy. He weighs 13 lb. 10 oz. (90%) and is 23 inches long (57%). He is thriving! He is still being exclusively breastfed - we haven't had to give him any formula even once. I pump before going to work and then pump a couple times at work. I love nursing and feel like it is something wonderful that I can give to him. Jonathan has been doing really well for David since I went back to work nights on January 31. He has been sleeping all night for him - in fact, I came home from work last week at 8 am, and Jonathan was still asleep after having been put to bed at 7:30 the night before. He isn't sleeping that long every night for me - most mornings he is waking up around 5 of 6 and then goes right back to sleep after feeding. He is smiling and staring to coo and "talk" to us - it is absolutely darling.

Trey is doing well with Jonathan - still working on the gentleness part with him. I found him straddling Jonathan the other day while jumping up and down on him - kind of like riding him like a horse. It is frustrating to know how to help him be gentle except keep reinforcing over and over. Trey had a little trouble listening in church this week his teacher said. He kept putting baby dolls in the cabinet, shutting the door, and walking away. Hmmmm... try not to over analyze that one too much. Trey likes to give Jonathan his pacifier when he is crying and does try to share his toys with him. I am so happy they are so close in age so they can become good buddies.

Bath time with Brother

Trying to smile - so hard to catch one on camera

Jonathan has beautiful blue eyes