Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Still here

We have barely hanging on due to all the major life changes super busy the past almost 5 months I have stepped away from blogging.   In this post, I talked about some of the changes that I thought may be on the horizon for our family.  It was pretty evident that God was redirecting our family.  David and I both knew that it was time for me to come home from working full time.  It wasn't working for our family anymore.  At all.  I admire the mama's out there that can seem to "do it all".  I am not one of those women.  I was missing my family immensely and feeling guilty for not being home when I was at work.   This was a very clear indication to both David and me that it was time for a change. 

So to not bore overwhelm you with the details, I will summarize the changes that have occurred in our family in the past 5 months.
  • David accepted a sales position with a wireless telecommunications company in Northwest Georgia to start in mid-August. 
  • We took a quick weekend trip to Santa Monica and Los Angeles, California.
  • I resigned from the hospital in late July.  Even though I love being a nurse, I gladly accepted my new position as full time homemaker and mommy even though I feel like I have no idea what I am doing inadequate most days.
  • We said goodbye to our church and our friends we have made over the past two years.  It is always hard to say goodbye.  Arizona is the only life Trey ever remembered and Jonathan ever knew.
  • We packed up our home in August and then flew to PA for a family visit.  We were able to see all my siblings which only happens every two years.  Trey and Jonathan loved the time with their cousins.
  •  David flew back to Arizona a week after went to PA to load our items on a truck and then drove our car out to Georgia.  My parents drove me and the boys down to meet David in TN.
  • We stayed with our friends for 10 days before our apartment was ready in late August.  We basically lived out of suitcases for a month straight.
  • Trey is now potty trained - he was more than ready.  He started a 2 day a week Mom's Morning Out program at a local church to give us a little structure.   He loves it.
  • We bought a second car - a 2004 Toyota Sienna XLE with 53,000 miles. We did it the Dave Ramsey way - saved two years and paid cash for it.   We were so excited.
  • Our boys grew, grew, grew and kept us busy, busy, busy.  Trey devoured 311 popsicles this summer.   Jonathan decided there was more to life than mama's milk - he finally decided to eat some fruits and veggies after 3 months of no success.

 We have had a fairly decent transition to Georgia.  The boys did amazingly well with all the travel.  They definitely had their moments (so did I), but we are thankful to be here.  We are closer to family and friends.   As exciting as new things can be, they can also be overwhelming.  I am past the excitement and have crossed over into the overwhelmed a bit.  This is new territory for me - learning how to care for two little boys and manage our home every day.  But as I was reminded this week, because of God's great love, I am not consumed.  He gives strength for each moment.  I would ask you to pray for me as I seek what Jesus has for me and our family each day.  I don't want to miss little moments with my boys or with others because I am bogged down with homemaking responsibilities.

We had Jonathan dedicated to the Lord this summer.  My Dad was with us.

Me, my Grammy, and my boys

Trey's first day of Mom's Morning Out

Our van was worth the wait!

at the Hollywood Walk of Fame

Niagara Falls, NY

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1 comment:

Tiffany said...

I knew you had gone through some big changes, but I didn't know the details. Now I know how to better pray. Love you friend!