Friday, January 20, 2012

Hi again!

Hi friends!

I have been MIA in the blogging world for awhile, but I am back with renewed purpose and perspective.   If you take the time to read here, I want you to be refreshed and to see a little of Jesus through my life.  After all, He is all that matters, and He is Who I want you to see.  I really want this blog to be an encouragement to those that happen upon it.  I am hoping to be able to share with you some of my journey to find joy in the everyday.  I see so many mamas of littles that are stressed and shouting at their kids and not at all joyful.  I know very well how frustrating and tiring it can be to have these little people constantly at your heels.  But I believe God has called me as a mama to serve my children and my husband as a service to Him.  And when I see my caring for them as ultimately serving my Creator, my entire perspective changes.  And I want my boys to look back on their childhood as having a mama that was joyful, that laughed with them, and enjoyed who they were.  So this is my renewed perspective - I hope that I will be authentic, be an encouragement and a breath of fresh air to you.

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