Wednesday, November 3, 2010



Dear sweet Trey,

Happy third birthday!  I am so happy that God gave you to me and Daddy to care for and raise.  You bring so much life, love, and joy into our home.  I love hearing your little voice fill every room that you are in.  I smile when I hear you giggling with Daddy or with Jonathan.  My heart is happy when I see your eyes dance with excitement over something you have just learned or discovered.  I love being your Mommy more than anything else in the entire world.

This was a big year for you.  You became a big brother to Jonathan.  There have been moments when you haven't been too sure about this new little person entering into our family.  But overall, you have been a very loving and sweet brother.  You have gotten really good at saying "I'm sorry" to Jonathan for tackling him or knocking him over.  You have such a tender, sweet (yet determined) spirit.

You are all potty trained now.  We tried back in the Spring but you had so many accidents that we decided to wait until after we moved.  Then in September, I told you one morning "No more diapers."  And you never wore a diaper again.  You are such a big boy, and you have us all clap and cheer for you when you go potty.  You also clap for me and Daddy when we go potty too.  I love your fun loving nature.

You love to read books.  We read before bedtime and often throughout the day.  You enjoy playing with Thomas and your other trains more than anything else, but you have fun coloring and doing other art activities too.  Your favorite movies are Finding Nemo, Toy Story, and LeapFrog Letter Factory.  You ask to go to church, school, and the library on a daily basis.  We also have fun going to the park to walk or play on the playground several times a week.  I love watching you learn, grow, and have fun.

You talk so well and say so many things now - earlier in the year we took you for some speech therapy and I think it helped you.  Some of my favorite things to hear you say are "Mama, lay down with me" when it is time to go to sleep and you want me or Daddy to lay down with you for a little bit.  "Mommy, rock please - mama, cover me with my manky (blanky)" when you want to be rocked a little before going to sleep - you always insist on being covered with your blue blanket.  Or "I go to time out" after you have taken a toy or hit your brother - you automatically know to go sit in time out.  "I wuuuuuuuuvvvvvv you" in your sweet little voice with the "wuv" sounded out over a couple seconds.   "Mama, come fere (here)" as you take me by the finger and guide me wherever you want me to go at the moment.  "I need my tup (cup) please."
We moved from Arizona to Georgia this year, so now we are closer to our families.  You left the only home you ever remember, but now Mommy gets to stay home with you all the time.  I can't think of anything I would rather do than spend my days caring for you and Jonathan and making our home a nice, happy place for Daddy to come home to.  You are loved by so many people - Daddy, Mama, Jonathan, and so many friends and family love you, but Jesus loves you the most.  We pray everyday that one day you will grow to love Jesus too.  Sometimes when you are sleeping, I will lay next to you on your bed and pray for you.  I pray that you will grow to be a kind, loving person who makes a difference in the world, and that one day you will make Jesus the Lord of your life just like Daddy and I have done.  You are such a precious boy, and I am so blessed that you are mine. 

I love you,

1 month old

15 months old

2 years old
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1 comment:

Rebecca said...

I love this idea!!! I am going to try to remember to start doing this for Ella. :)